Global Sending

About Global Sending

Global Sending is our way of reaching the entire world—by finding Sojourners called to overseas missions and supporting them in their work.

By God’s grace, Sojourn has commissioned 66 adults on long-term and mid-term (1–2 years) missions since 2006. Our global Sent Ones work in evangelism and church planting, community transformation through business, and medicine.

We believe the local church plays a central role in sending. We also recognize the value of kingdom partnerships, and we currently partner with three sending agencies who help us prepare and support those called.

He told them, “The harvest is abundant, but the workers are few. Therefore, pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest.”

–Luke 10:2, CSB

Are you called to overseas missions? Learn more about how we prepare our Sent Ones.


Global Sending Process Steps

Live Sent

The entry point into our sending pipeline. Over 8 weeks, we explore God’s global mission and help you discover the role you can play in it. We discuss the importance of missions, the realities of lostness around the world, how to engage with different cultures, and how the gospel empowers us for everyday mission.

See Upcoming Classes Email to Join the Wait List


Cultivate is designed for those exploring a calling toward the mission field. This cohort-based gathering focuses on holistic development for Midtown members who’ve completed Live Sent and undergone an initial assessment with us. Participants will focus on cultivating a deeper life with God, developing habits for abiding in Christ, and gaining the cross-cultural skills needed for life and ministry overseas.


For those moving into the Launch phase, our sending staff conducts a thorough assessment and helps create a personalized development plan (PDP). Candidates also work with a sending agency to determine fit and readiness for mission work on the field. 

Commissioning & Go

Once members have successfully completed our process and been approved by their sending agency, we commission them on a Sunday before our church body. Through the laying on of hands, we affirm God's work in their lives and joyfully send them out to serve among the nations.

Our Partner Agencies

Healthy Traits of a Missionary

The Healthy Traits of a Missionary diagram and accompanying assessment questions are valuable tools for Midtown Sending. Together, these provide a roadmap to identify and develop areas of growth for members preparing to become healthy global Sent Ones. For each participant in our sending pipeline, we intentionally evaluate the areas of head, heart, and hands, promoting holistic growth, spiritual health, and missional living.

About Us

Sojourn Midtown is a part of the Sojourn family of churches. Our mission is to reach people with the gospel, build them up as the church, and send them into the world.

Email Us

Sojourn Midtown  1207 S Shelby St Louisville, KY 40203 · · 502 237 1122